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■5727   NKyWTmSgmBQtyMoq [H17ツ堕イ(30)]
□投稿者/ Lynwood 3回-(2021/03/12(Fri) 01:54:15)

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    Niko Bellic is a Serbian who takes refuge in Liberty City after a career as a child soldier in the Bosnian wars of the 1990s.Of all the GTA protagonists, Niko was the hardest to know. He is naturally skeptical and keeps his emotions under close guard. However, this allows the player to gradually uncover Niko&rsquo;s past and the motives for revenge on the men that betrayed him years ago. He also served as an excellent antidote to the more outlandish characters of Liberty City - his scenes with Brucie showed that he also possessed a dry wit. However, he can be a ruthless killer when it suits his needs, and as the game unfurls, Niko is forced to make many difficult choices.

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