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■5726   YuQtAgTAKZzwkb [H21ツ堕イ(34)]
□投稿者/ Laverne 2回-(2021/03/12(Fri) 01:53:57)

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    This is probably for the best, as many congressmen and senators will no doubt agree once they return to Washington having been thoroughly pummeled by their constituents over the issue while back in their states and districts. What the Senate passed &ndash; nearly 2,000 pages, weighing 24 pounds, and generally unread &ndash; sounds too much like Obamacare for any but the most charitable of voters to have confidence that it will really fix the problem. If House members are smarter than the Senate, and they usually think they are, they should approach the problem piecemeal, breaking it down in essential parts and pass bills one at a time.

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