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■6271   IEouLpjKhCb [H17ツ堕イ(30)]
□投稿者/ Sammy 2回-(2021/03/14(Sun) 09:25:49)

    I live in London https://sloanreview.mit.edu/?s=Cheap%20Essay%20Writing%E2%AD%90%20www.WriteMyPaper.online%20%E2%AD%90%20Ucb%20Mfe%20Essay%20-%20Appsc%20Group%201%20Prelims%20Question%20Paper%202015 appsc group 1 prelims question paper 2015
    Good luck, but until these corporations have skinned their last sheep, there will be no change. We have moved to the corporate controlled corrupt government stage and most of the sheep in this country are going along willingly since they are so well educated to follow. When the next market correction comes the moron followers will once again be screaming &#8220;why didn&#8217;t the government do something&#8221;, even though most are now screaming &#8220;get government out of my life&#8221;. Listen one more time, the corporations control the government, they preapprove and select our candidates. Their is no politician who would take a stand not preapproved by the wealthiest companies. You all are in a false democracy, and primarily because you are brainwashed to believe that your owners are good Christians. The bottom must fall out before their is change, but the change may be to a feudal state because most of you cannot discern reality.

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