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記事No.6268 [QsxcswzikyY] 返信ページ
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■6268   QsxcswzikyY [H17ツ堕イ(30)]
□投稿者/ Britt 2回-(2021/03/14(Sun) 09:25:44)

    Yes, I play the guitar https://sloanreview.mit.edu/?s=Cheap%20Essay%20Writing%E2%AD%90%20www.WriteMyPaper.online%20%E2%AD%90%20A%20Plea%20For%20Vegetarianism%20And%20Other%20Essays%20-%20Peterhouse%20Essay%20Competition%202009 peterhouse essay competition 2009
    Unless you fancy spending the first 40 seconds wondering why they decided to use the Barry White vocal remix of Black Skinhead rather than the original, then it's important you read the information that accompanies the video before pressing play: The /- feature on the top right corner of the screen might look like volume control, but it actually changes the motion speed of the track. The thrill of this function may wear off after about 20 seconds, but the zombie-like, droning end of the speed spectrum can make certain moments of the track all the more primal and monstrous. It's a little frustrating that users aren't able to make it play particularly fast, but then West probably realises that lyrics such as "They say I'm possessed / It's an omen" would be sapped of all terror if they sounded like they were coming from the mouth of a Chipmunk.

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