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■5076   iFxdfYpiYVwfZrGRO [S63ツ堕イ(13)]
□投稿者/ Snoopy 1回-(2021/02/24(Wed) 05:20:27)

    I'm happy very good site https://nhathuocuyentrang.com/stmap_62acoqba.html?tranexamic.dapoxetine.duphalac.viagra claritin 24 hour non-drowsy allergy relief tablets - loratadine &ldquo;This was not one of the times when I was overly picky; I was being completely miscast,&rdquo; he insists, with a grin. &ldquo;I&rsquo;m thin, I have a broken nose, I am not classically good-looking. I mean, if you put me next to this new Superman, this Henry Cavill, you would laugh, and ask: &ldquo;What&rsquo;s that skinny guy doing next to Superman?&rsquo;&rdquo; Donner, he tells me through peals of laughter, did his best to be persuasive. &ldquo;He said: &lsquo;Jon, just try on the suit. It does the whole thing for you.&rsquo;&rdquo; Voight refused, so Donner asked him to speak to someone who could potentially help: a little-known Austrian bodybuilder named Arnold Schwarzenegger.

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