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■4291   bAWeqzsbOWVMfib [S55ツ堕イ(5)]
□投稿者/ Jesus 1回-(2020/04/29(Wed) 19:33:21)

    Who would I report to? https://www.vvc-sabrina.nl/stmap_38n1wth.html virilis pro uk The issue, according to Davis associates, is whether she will have enough money to adequately tell her story - both positive things about herself and negative critiques of likely GOP nominee Greg Abbott - on television. TV in Texas is expensive, especially in Dallas and Houston where there are lots of Democratic voters and Republican-leaning suburban woman who would be an important voting group. Abbott, who's been attorney general for a decade and has developed as network of big-dollar Republican donors, reports more than $20 million in the bank. He's being challenged in the GOP primary by former state Republican Chairman Tom Pauken, who has only reported a fraction of that amount but says he has some financial commitments of his own.

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