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■1549   EUglzthkYunfMvVium [ツ個サツ姪ー(3ツ年-35)]
□投稿者/ Kayla 1回-(2018/10/31(Wed) 10:22:13)

    magic story very thanks https://territorioabierto.jesuitas.cl/escuchennos/ clomipramine price increase But then we stopped cooking for ourselves. We wanted to spend more time doing other things &ndash; like playing computer games and watching television. Of course somebody has to cook for us and that somebody is food corporations. As Pollan says: &ldquo;Corporations cook very differently from how people do.&rdquo; Cooks want food to taste good. Corporations want it to be cheap, and easy to make, store and transport. Sugar is all of these things. As is refined flour. And hydrogenated fat. And rice syrup. And maize starch. When corporations cook for us, says Pollan, we&rsquo;re not eating food, but &ldquo;edible food-like substances&rdquo; dreamed up by executives.

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