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■5769   wGgfahAzvlWxR [S55ツ堕イ(5)]
□投稿者/ Derek 2回-(2021/03/12(Fri) 06:40:53)

    Have you got a telephone directory? https://www.gea-solution.com/what-is-in-cialis-ingredients-baikal-pharmacycom-ahdv posso tomar 2 comprimidos de cialis 5 mg Sounds to me as if it was Samsung's legal team that screwed up. If the document "should have been redacted" before being sent to Samsung then Samsung couldツargue that the fact that it wasn't constituted legal advice (from their own legal team to them) that they were entitled to the information. The fact that Samsung openly (well, in negotiations with Nokia) disclosed that they had the information supports this - if they thought they shouldn't have the information, the last thing they would do is quote it to a competitor. Nokia had no motive to keep quiet and every right to be upset.

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