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■5083   XVGvVwasDAaONfZz [H16ツ堕イ(29)]
□投稿者/ Samantha 1回-(2021/02/24(Wed) 05:58:27)

    I'm a trainee https://channuoivietnam.com/stmap_81shynnt.html?viagra.norpace.stavudine.adalat efek minum obat panadol sebelum makan We don't have such extreme and brazen efforts to enslave women here, to keep them in their place &ndash; one where they serve men while men make the decisions. But there is still a much more subtle effort, a last-gasp one, perhaps, to teach women that their real jobs are to look pretty, have children (even the ones from unplanned pregnancies), take responsibility for the children even if they also work in the home, and then just accept it as the natural way of things to be paid barely more than three-fourths the salary of a man for the same job.

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