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■3928   YRlTzQjwjmgYy [H18ツ堕イ(31)]
□投稿者/ Julian 1回-(2020/04/15(Wed) 22:44:31)

    I'm a trainee https://www.keratiliss.fr/stmap_18w7rie.html kann frau viagra einnehmen &ldquo;For a long time these children were thought to be stubborn,&rdquo; says Alice Sluckin, the founder and chair of the Selective Mutism Information and Research Association. &ldquo;But it&rsquo;s an anxiety disorder that interferes with their ability to speak on a physiological level.&rdquo; There is such a lack of research into this disorder that even Lorcan&rsquo;s father, David, who is a GP, was unfamiliar with it when his son was diagnosed aged four. Selective mutism affects around six in 1,000 children (a similar rate to autism) and the anxiety is triggered by specific social situations &ndash; often the mere presence of people outside the immediate family.

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