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■3502   bVhKMuiffq [S63ツ堕イ(13)]
□投稿者/ Leroy 1回-(2020/04/10(Fri) 23:22:08)

    Could I have , please? https://tsbeducation.com/stmap_291afkg.html ogoplex uk 'Every journalist who is not too stupid or too full of himself to notice what is going on knows that what he does is morally indefensible.&rsquo; That is the opening line of Janet Malcolm&rsquo;s indispensable book The Journalist and the Murderer, a gauntlet laid down in 1983 that produces much huffing and retaliation from journalists to this day. The sentence&rsquo;s rhetorical flourish doesn&rsquo;t especially suggest the subtlety of the pages that follow, which examine the fraught relationship between a convicted murderer and the journalist who betrayed him in the course of writing a book about him. But it does let you know that reading Malcolm is always thrilling and dangerous. You can never tell what she might uncover next about the everyday horrors of humankind.

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