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■3483   QAWxfXXzftQrukq [S53ツ堕イ(3)]
□投稿者/ Katelyn 3回-(2020/04/10(Fri) 22:52:30)

    I sing in a choir https://west.net.co/stmap_64a3aol.html priligy online kaufen ohne rezept -Julia Louis-Dreyfus' acceptance speech: On the other side of the preparation spectrum was Julia Louis-Dreyfus' acceptance speech, which she did in full "Veep" character with the help of Tony Hale, who also won for "Veep." Playing Gary, the dutiful bag man, Hale followed Louis-Dreyfus on stage, holding her pretty clutch &ndash; a step up from the leviathan &mdash; and whispered Louis-Dreyfus' "thank yous" in her ear. Cut to Amy (Anna Chlumsky), on her Blackberry as always. Sure the bit meant the cast had to do some planning and were expecting Louis-Dreyfus to win. But to mark her record-breaking 14th nomination and fourth win, Louis-Dreyfus is allowed to get a little clever with her acceptance speeches.

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